Selling real estate over the internet may sound like an awkward idea. However, the exposure the real estate receives over such a widespread media like the internet is every realtor's dream. Can eBay be used to market real estate? The answer is a resounding 'yes!' eBay provides functionality that is clearly adaptable to the needs of most realtors. It provides a widespread medium of advertisement for the real estate. It is also a relatively inexpensive method of advertising. One of the best things about selling real estate on eBay is that it "markets" to many areas around the world, not just a local area. Advertising on eBay makes the property available to more than 100 million potential buyers, including those from other countries. Visitors can browse through the property details 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - all without the realtor having to explain the details about the property to every single prospect wanting information. There are many different wa...